Dr. Randall Sadler is a Professor of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he teaches courses on telecollaboration and language learning, virtual worlds and language learning and the teaching of L2 reading and writing. He is also the Director of the Illinois Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and ESL Programs. His main research area is on the role of technology in language learning, with a particular focus on how CMC and Virtual Worlds may be used to enhance that process. He has published in these areas in journals including the Journal of English for Academic Purposes, CALICO Journal, ReCALL, Language Learning & Technology, Computers & Education, ELT, and in numerous edited volumes. His latest book, Virtual Worlds, Telecollaboration, and Language Learning: From Theory to Practice is published by Peter Lang. He is also the owner of EduNation Island, which are located in the Virtual World of Second Life (image from the island as background of this page), where he may often be found in the guise of his avatar Randall Renoir. |